Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Beauty of Problems

It is difficult to effectively solve a problem unless we correctly identify the cause of the problem. Does that make sense? If the problem is not isolated and understood, there can be a whole bunch of extra energy running you around in circles. You seem busy trying to solve the problem, when you are actually not touching it.

In the self-help world, there are tremendous speakers and tremendous minds that stimulate us. These people provide interesting listening and have provided us with growth and expansion.

One of the themes you hear from many writers is that “thoughts are things.” They say that if you change your thoughts, you change your life. Is this true? These statements are great. They sound deep. They sound like they are expanding you. Are they? Well, yes. The themes are adding to your growth. So, you begin to focus on “changing your thoughts.” You work hard on changing your thoughts. It's an every day battle, it's an every day process.

But what happens? You find yourself in the same situation that you were before, whether it was with weight loss, anger, blame or frustration. This process (especially if you are honest with yourself), will lead to frustration because your thoughts originate somewhere. If you have a thought that says, “he's a jerk,” you can change this thought in your mind all day long. Then two days later, something happens which triggers the thought, “he's a jerk!” There it is again. Have you changed? Have you changed your life by attempting to change that thought?

With self help like this, you begin to give up. You think that there is something wrong with you because the hype surrounding this self help package was awesome. The people that endorsed it were successful. The only logical conclusion is that your position in life is what it is and will always be the same.

But take it a little further. That thought (any thought) is sent from somewhere. That thought is driven from somewhere. It is inspired somewhere. Where does that thought originate? This is the beginning of solving a problem – correctly identifying the source. If the origin of the "thought" is still inside of you, then changing the "thought" won’t change your life. The origin of the thought, "he's a jerk," lies in the energy within you. That is where the focus of our "change" needs to be. You have to be honest with the problem. You have to understand the problem. You even have to be intimate with the problem. Then, you have more power to solve the problem.

This is the core of Goodology, which is locating and understanding your energy inside.

Goodology Credo

Goodology® is a study of energy. That is what it boils down to. All of the energy in the world is good. Any perceived “negative” energy comes from resistance to that good. Further, it boils down to "your" energy. All of your energy is good. Any perceived “negative” energy comes from your internal resistance to that good.

It is this point of resistance where our issues begin. Our lives and world are a reaction to that resistance. Locating, knowing and being intimate with that point of resistance is the beginning of our strength. That is the beginning of shifting the things that happen automatically in our lives.

Where is that energy? What is that energy? We need to locate this mass of energy inside of our body. It is slow energy that is limiting our connection with infinite power. We hold onto this energy for safety and become a reaction to our fears. Our lives become about feeding into our fears. We feed into a “negative” energy. The “good” energy has slowed down and appears negative. By feeding it we slow it down more and get more of the same in our lives.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


"You’ve been provided with a perfect body to house your soul for a few brief moments in eternity. So regardless of its size, shape, color, or any imagined infirmities, you can honor the temple that houses you by eating healthfully, exercising, listening to your body’s needs, and treating it with dignity and love." - Dr. Wayne Dyer