Monday, February 18, 2013

Debbie Ford passed away Sunday

Debbie Ford died yesterday at 57 years old.  I am very sorry to hear the news.  My initial reaction was shock because I did not know she was sick.  My heart goes out to her family, friends and fans.

visionary, Debbie Ford, emotional healing, spiritual healing, dark side of light chasers
Debbie Ford
I only read one of her books.  It was called, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers which was written in 1998.  She demonstrated to me then that she 'got it.'  She understood and showed confidence in something that other authors and psychologists had not put into words.  Debbie Ford's pattern appeared not to be to solely study psychology and personal growth then rewrite things she had learned.

She understood her feelings then put them into words. She showed confidence and bravely shared the depth of herself.

I believe that her message was similar to mine in Goodology as she talk about reclaiming parts of ourselves which we considered a shadow or energy that is tucked away, unnoticed.  She felt reconnecting with this is the most direct way to real personal growth.  Through this, she was a personal example.

Debbie appeared on Oprah, Larry Kind Live, Good Morning America and other TV shows.  She had written eight books after her original book in 1998.  She was working on a tenth book at the time of her death.   She will be missed.  The dark site of the light chasers is here.

Here is a link to Debbie's books on Amazon.  If you would like to read more about Debbie, here is a link to the New Consciousness Review by Laurie Sue Brockway.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sixth Grader at Homeless School Catches me Off Guard

At the school for homeless children where I tutor, here is a short exchange between a 6th grade boy and me. Throughout the day, I try to smile, be supportive and helpful at all times. You never know what sensitive feelings are going on. 

6th Grader: Will you remember me tomorrow?
Me: Yes! I will. 
6th Grader: Will you remember me next week?
Me: Yes!
6th Grader: Will you remember me in one year?
Me: Yes, I will.
6th Grader: Knock Knock
Me: Who’s there?
6th Grader (smiling): I thought you said you would remember me!
Me: (laughing) You totally caught off guard. Wow. :)

Haha.  Great job.  He got me and I laughed!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Inspirational Quotes Everywhere You Look!

Have you noticed that everywhere you look there are inspirational quotes?

It's not a bad thing.  It's a good thing.  It's a great thing.  But, (isn't there always a but?) I have always felt that the impact of quotes are significantly less than you realize.

It is:
  1. It's in one ear, out the other and back to your life grind.  When breaking down the quote, does it really make sense?  Does it have the impact that it even should have?
This post for me is to experiment to see how a picture looks in each of these posts.  What I would like to do is insert a picture with a quote.  Then on the side of that quote, I will evaluate meaning.  There are subtle skips in meaning that leave huge holes.  You'll see what I mean when I begin writing this.  For now, I want to insert a picture somewhere here.  I would like to have the images be consistent size and the text consistent in format.

Keep in mind, some quotes (most of the inspirational ones) are great.  Anytime you are reading these quotes you are putting good things in your mind.  My job here is to inspire you to think more about meaning.  By doing this, we can understand your real inner energy more clearly.

The picture was taken in my hometown off of a dirt road on Maple Hill.  This is an area that I love where you can see the horizon.This particular quote (and most everything by Rumi) is one that I like.  Most of the pictures and posts that appear on my Facebook page fit into my good quote list.  Generally, I try not to make posts that have subtle misses in meaning.

Enjoy your day.